Copy SSO Group

There are a few reasons why you may want to copy an existing SSO group:

  • Quickly create a new group with membership and roles similar to an existing group. Copying eliminates the need to manually add all users and configure permissions from scratch.

  • As a template or starting point for a new group. You can copy an existing group that has the basic structure/roles you need, then modify the membership and roles as needed for the new group.

  • For testing or staging purposes. You might want an identical copy of a group to try out new configurations or permissions before applying them to the actual production group.

  • As a backup in case the original group needs to be deleted or replaced. By copying first, you have a fallback copy of the group membership and configuration.

  1. Click Administration > SSO groups.

  2. Locate the SSO group you want to copy:

    • Scroll the list.

    • Enter a search term in the search field above the list.

  3. In the line of the SSO group that you want to copy, click .

    The Create dialog opens.

  4. Edit the name.

  5. Click Create.

You have copied the SSO group.